Sunday, January 26, 2014

In Thailand, students are not allowed to have long hair. In Bangkok many schools do away with it these days, but outside of Bangkok school are still extremely strict about this matter. The typical Thai male student hair cut, which is called "Trong Nak Rearn"(student's hair cut) is this:

As you can probably see, it's basically a military haircut. This haircut originated from Japanese soldiers in WW2 that were marching through Thailand. This is the haircut that 90% of students up to grade 9 are forced to have. After grade 9, things become a bit different though. Because in Thailand military field duty is a must, and the only way around is doing 3 years of preliminary military training in high school, practically everyone does preliminary military training. And doing military training, of course means further cutting your hair in a military style. But those few of us, like me, that do not have to attend military training, or just don't, should basically be free to have any haircut we want. But here is where things get a bit conflicted. How pupils have to cut their hair, both male and female, basically depends on the school. Generally pupils at private schools have longer hair. But if a public school were to allow their pupils to have even longer hair, nothing would happen at all. There are no regulations that state that public schools must force their pupils to have short hair. So why don't they do it? It's mostly the idea that short hair will make young men look neat and tidy. But come on, let's face the truth, a military haircut will make any youngone look shit. Especially young Asian men. 

So that's some truth on haircut regulations in Thailand. I might write more about this topic in the future, as it has been the center of much heated discussion, as it should be in my opinion. But anyway, thanks for reading, Angelo out.

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